Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sherry Lee Bretz
Everyone Is Successful- I have been successful my whole life. I don't see success as a stage or lasting point. Success is being happy, healthy and holy. Success is being wise, faithful, strong and optimistic. Humans are funny creatures. Our mood changes I am successful everyday is many different ways. When you get to the grocery and back that's success. When you get out of bed, brush your teeth and greet the sun that's success. I am a very happy go lucky idealistic person who has always found success just being. I feel God, I see beauty. I'm positive and brave and out going. That is being very successful. I'm happy within. I have been successful too many times to mention. Success to me is doing what I want and not slaving for a group of people who have a lousy outlook on life, don't appreciate others and want to dictate for money. I don't belong in any system. I don't live for strangers. I please God, follow my conscience and feel God. I follow the beat of my own drum. None tells me how to live. I don't live to please everyone. I love and please the people I choose and I'm very selective about the people I get close to in the circle of life. I don't belong in any kind of system that ignorantly worships false idols and views success as a way to program people to work for them. I don't serve controlling abusers. I don't fall into any category. The controllers follow me and look for new ideas and methods to warp society because they can't invent on their own. I am successful through my own individuality, unique personality talent and creative genius. I am successful because society doesn't mold me. I blossom in new ways everyday and grow at my own pace and follow my own dreams and not the visions of someone else I am the artist. I am a free spirit that goes with the wind. There aren't any borders or chains, hidden secret worlds or limitations. I am a child of God and I follow the light and fly with the angels. My spirit will never be contained for my heart belongs to God and Gods miraculous power and beauty is not limited by earthly laws. I am not man made. I am god made and I will travel wherever he chooses to lead me. I open many doors. I will never be restricted from astral travel and spiritual awakening and soulful prayer because my destiny is heaven and my course is my own. I am not beneath some control grid. Success if following my own passion and soul staying on fire and sane. I'm too successful to belong to this world and let it darken me or change my spirit. I don't belong to the world. I am Gods brilliant special-***sherry bretz 9C)2014